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Pet Peeves

Past Pet Peeves!
Peeves from October - December 1999
    --The Last peeves of 1999-------

    From Jonathan [fred_mercury9_5@hotmail.com]:
  1. People who argue that the millenium doesn't start until 2001! Listen up, everyone. 2000 years is 2 millenia. Think about this: 1 milimeter is ONE THOUSANDTH of a meter. 1000 millimeters is 1 meter. Not 1001! Right now, I am 19 years old. That means I am 19. I'm not 18, and I'm not 20. When I turn 21, I will able to buy alcohol. I don't have to wait until I turn 22. When I turned 18, I was able to buy cigarettes and get a tattoo. I didn't have to wait until I turned 19. And you know what? When I turn 20, I'm no longer a teenager! I don't care what anyone else says, 2000 is 2000. There's no other way around it. You all can pretend to be cool if you want to and act like you are so much smarter than everyone else, but, well, you just sound stupid.

    From p1ngp0ng:
  2. Adults that think music and violent video games are problems. Most of the problem is either kids that are screwed up in the head in the first place, or being tormented by more popular kids (ie: Columbine). The shooters @ Columbine were taunted by the popular kids, and guess who was targeted during the attack? THE FRIGGIN POPULAR KIDS THAT THINK THEY WERE **COOL** IN PISSING OFF KIDS!! Just get the hell along with other people, ok?

    --Added 12/28/99-------

    From Radical-Conservative:
  3. People thinking that the new Millennium starts in 2000 well it dosent it starts in 2001 and I can prove it! The new Millennium starts in 2001 NOT 2000

    From AJ:
  4. I was watching the news the other day, and I am still disgusted by what I saw. A fourth-grader in a small Texas town was suspended for a week. WHY? Well, first of all, his teacher asked the class if they had any questions. This little boy, intrigued by the wire-reinforced windows on the classroom door, asked if those windows were bulletproof. So the teacher goes to the principal turning this innocent question into a THREAT! I don't blame him for asking, especially when all anyone hears about these days are about school shootings! I can't believe the things that people find offensive these days, and I've only been out of high school for 8 years...it's truly sick!
  5. People that obviously didn't take driver's ed and can't obey any of the rules of the road! (you all know who you are
  6. In the words of Denis Leary, "was I the only one who hated the Blair Witch Project?" I was SOOOOO disappointed with this movie. I agree, some parts were creepy, but it wasn't as scary as hell, and I didn't have any nightmares, even after watching this movie in utter darkness. Thankfully I waited for the video version.
  7. Regis Philbin. Need I say more?
  8. Suzanne Somers is pitching some "new" exercise track--Torso Track or something like that. Does anybody really think that she looks that way because of that piece of crap? Stop me before I puke!
  9. I absolutely HATE people, especially rich ones, that think they are God's gift to retailers and that they can boss employees around just because they have more money than most of us lowly workers! I once overheard a co-worker say (after a horrible episode of expecting us to cater to their every whim, including carrying their stuff out to their car in the rain) "if they stuck their noses up any higher, they'd drown!"
  10. People that drive nice cars that are obviously wrecked or damaged. If you have that much money to make a car payment, then why not get the damn thing fixed?!
  11. Religious discrimination--as long as the religion worships God and Jesus in a positive way, stop your bitching. On the other hand, psycho cults don't count.
  12. People that think they've found Mr. or Mrs. Right in a bar. There's only one thing they're after, and it's NOT love. This is especially true for women--myself included--what woman hasn't had that experience?
  13. I am so sick of the no-talent teenage whores (that includes the man-hos) that I see every time I turn on the TV!!!
  14. Ricky Martin. If he didn't look the way he did, he wouldn't be a huge star! And to any of you teenage brat fans reading this, wait a few years. Your kids will be asking "who is Ricky Martin?" Check out Neil Young. He has more talent than any of these idols combined. I rest my case if you don't know who he is.
  15. People that visit this page and then have the balls to say they hate people who complain. Why did you read this page in the first place??

    From Jim:
  16. In light of the recent (I write 12/23/99) ruling in Ohio that a school voucher program is, in fact, a violation of the prohibition of establishing religion, on the grounds (partially) that 80 percent of the schools that were approved for the program were religiousschools, I would like to voice my disapproval of Americans, mostly Christian, who insist they are being persecuted. God is on the money, God is mentioned by all the candidates for president, and as we can see, God is a major part of private education. Christians have a tight and unwavering control of this nation, and it is annoying to here them complain of persecution, just because they are not allowed to use a public PA system to preach sectarian prayers over public schoolchildren who have no alternative to attendance at school, unless it be to attend a private, sectarian academy.

    From Jeff Virtue [jvirtue@ods.com]:
  17. Stray-pet peeve I just watched the news today. It was the 12:00 news. And they had just finished telling a tragic tale in their savage paltry way. It was about 4 children who had died in an apartment fire. Their parents escaped through a window. After the story, I was in tears. And then - holiday ads. Everything's all right. But at the moment, it wasn't. I needed to continue to feel the loss.

    From Jonathan Look [fred_mercury9_5@hotmail.com]
  18. Women who act like bitches when they are having their period and say "Oh I can't help it. It's hormones. I'm not at all responsible for how I'm acting." I think that every woman who does this should have the living shit kicked out of her by her husband/boyfriend and have him blame it on the fact that his testosterone levels are a bit high.
  19. Women who act all pissed off, and when I say "What's the matter?" the look away and say "Oh...nothing." and then get even more pissed at me because I didn't push the issue.
  20. People who say "I heard you did this or that" and when I say "Who told you that?" they say "Oh, I can't say" or "That's not imporant."
  21. When someone who is sitting right next to me says "Oh my god? Are you serious? I can't believe that! It's amazing! Holy cow! You can't be serious?" And when I say "What are you talking about?" they say "Oh...nothing. It's not for you to know." If it's not for me to know then don't talk about it right in front of me!
  22. People who drive around with their stupid rap music cranked up in their car so loud that I can hear it from inside my house. This is not cool, people. No one likes to hear that, and whatever excuse you make up for it just sounds totally lame (my favorite of these is "It's just a form of expression". No it's not. It's a form of annoying people).

    --Added 12/19/99-------

    From Tom [ob4548@home.net]
  23. People who worry about anything else another person is doing, just chill and let anyone and everyone do thier own thing. yea.

    From Jonathan [fred_mercury9_5@hotmail.com]
  24. People who think that I'm a "pussy" because I am attending college, rather than doing "man's work", earning my living "by the sweat of my brow", like carrying bricks around for 80 hours a week at 50 cents an hour. Yeah people, you are so much better than I am!

    From Metal Head:
  25. Ricky Martin!

    From "cheetah":
  26. My pet peeves including laundry change machines that don't work, grouchy service people, pouring rain in cold weather, splinters in my feet, friends who don't return my calls, and people who look down at me when I light a cigarette out of do

    From "luxpoison" [mgolden@wcc.net]:
  27. Pet Peeve Web Lists
  28. People that whine
  29. When people share about thier European relative that put used toilet paper in their trash can as not to clog the toilet.
  30. People that complain about people using "it's" as a contraction for "it is". Get a life!
  31. People that whine about whining!
  32. Candles that burn out to fast!
  33. Women..need I say more?
  34. Getting up before 10 am!

    From Sher [minime79@bolt.com ]
  35. Y2K 2000 is not the new millennium. duh people, can you count? remember bert and ernie? they taught us that like when we were five. DUH!
  36. ROOMMATES people who insist on being right all the time
  37. people who blow their noses at the supper(or lunch or breakfast) table. YUCK
  38. people who pee on the toilet seat our dorm bathrooms on the weekend
  39. people who think it's fun to puke in public places (like there's no trash can nearby)
  40. drunken idiots that like to be loud when you have a final at 7:30 the next morning
  41. the nasty things that people do with their gum (ie put it on their plates when they are eating, then it sits there and looks at you, all juicy and disgusting)
  42. people who walk 3 across on the sidewalk and you have to walk/bike around them. really, i like to wreck my bike on the grass.
  43. (I'm not racist, don't take this the wrong way) people who make sure that everyone knows that they are black. there are people who eat every day at the same time that i do, they always eat in the same spot, and they are loud and no one does anything about it. if a white person was being that loud, they would be asked to shut up.
  44. people who make everything into a racist issue
  45. the way that college athletes get everything handed to them on a platter (especially at certain big 10/big 12 schools) no matter how bad their team sucks, football especially.
  46. having to park all the way out in BFE and not having a bus to go out there, so we have to either walk or ride a bike, especially at midnight and there are no lights on behind the coliseum (i swear, the university can afford it!!)
  47. people who wear all tommy hilfiger or gap or abercrombie(my sister is one of these people)
  48. high schoolers that get brand new cars as soon as they turn 16 and then proceed to be terrible drivers and wreck their cars.

    From John:
  49. People who get to the checkout counter at the store and wait until they have been rung up and told the total before they even look for their checkbook. They then write the check out in line and balance their check book while I am waiting an extra 10 minutes for them to finish.
  50. Charities at work always asking me for money. I am not working to support other people with my take home pay. The government already takes enough of my check to support the publics deadweight. Given the school systems in Alabama I wonder what the hel* they are spending my money on. Possibly the broken social security program I will never benefit from while I am alive. I will probably have to live to 90 to get social security.
  51. People who bring their kids to your house and then just let them run wild. I have kids and think that it is most irresponsible of the parent to do this. I have nice stuff that I would rather your little monster didn't touch or destroy. No, I won't move everything so they can't get it, how about you instill some discipline in your kid instead of taking all temptations away and avoiding the issue that they don't listen.

    From Erin [daisygurl85@yahoo.com]
  52. I hate those tear out cardboard like adversiments in magazines. I get like 10 in one magazine and it makes it hard to flip the pages.
  53. How every singer has to sing some chistmas carol and put it on the radio no matter how awful it is.
  54. All the hype about internet shopping. Big Deal! i m only 14 i can't shop on the internet.
  55. teachers who require internet projects! some students don't have computers and it shouldn't be a requirement for PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
  56. Nothing is free in public schools. You have to buy required planners and money for courses.
  57. How obsessed the crackpot guidence counslers are and how all they care about is collage.
  58. How mature the people at my school are. I accedentaly left my locker unlocked so someone put their half eaten lunch in it.

    From Teddy S:
  59. Lonliness
  60. The selfishness of suicide
  61. Women who say that they cannot find a "good man" yet stay with their cheating, pimp, drug abusing boyfriends. For REAL! Shut the hell up. You wouldn't know a good man when he stands right in front of you asking for a chance. It's called self-esteem and a backbone. GET IT!
  62. Men and Women bringing children into this world out of wedlock. I'm 24 and it seems now a lot of women in my age group have children. I have none and I am looked at as if I am strange. If I hear "My baby daddy" one more time . . . AND BEFORE YOU DELUGE ME WITH HATE . .this is aimed at those who think this is totally acceptable. Not to those, God bless 'em, who are striving to do right. you know what I mean.
  63. While I'm there, whatever happened to the phrase "My children's/son's/ daughter's father" or anything like that? This sounds SO GHETTO!
  64. Kid's having kids. It breaks my heart.
  65. Cheap people who order their waiters like dogs yet only tip less than 10%. Like they make any money on salary. And you wonder why you get bad service wherever you go. We can smell you a mile away. (This is for all my people in service and retail.)
  66. Remember the above when you b***h out the poor employee in Walmart when you bring back your nose hair clippers because it says "Batteries not included" and you couldn't find them even though they are RIGHT BY THE REGISTER! He/She gets paid next to nothing to help you, why torment her because your life is like a country song. They don't care and neither do the people waiting for her to finish with you. Let them help the people who really appreciate them for what they are there for. If you are offended by this than yes, I am talking to you because THIS IS YOU! Learn to cope.

    --Added 12/09/99-------

  67. When you haven't eaten all day, and you have like ONE potato chip and your skinny friends who have never had a weight problem look at you and go "Gosh - I thought you were on a diet! You'll never lose weight if you eat stuff..." while they sit there and eat candy bars and never gain weight. :P
  69. My middle.

    From Debby88 [debby88@hotmail.com.com]:
  70. Protestants who think they are the only ones who go to heaven, and then proceed to lie about Catholics saying "They pray to Mary and statues" and "The Pope is the anti-christ." I mean, come on, we all worship the same God anyway, and they ought to educate themselves about our church before they go spreading around here-say.
  71. When you are explaining your weight problem to a friend (and this happens a lot online) and a "fat phobe" comes in and says "You should just lose it! Exercise and don't sit there all day long." Then when you ask them if they've ever had a weight problem and they say "No I've been thin all my life."
  72. When I come home from a 16 hour ambulance shift and one of my "friends" (ones who only call when they need money or a ride or something) calls and says "Can you go out tonight? I'm bored!"
  73. Relatives of critical patients who get hateful and insist on jumping inside of the ambulance while screaming at you like you don't know what you're doing and saying "I'M HIS/HER SON/DAUGHTER, AND WHAT *I* SAY GOES!!!"
  74. When you go into a busy restaurant and they sit you at the same table with people you don't even know. (and yes this has happened to me before.)
  75. When you're on a debate messageboard and you have to leave for a couple of days, or when you come home you're too tired to get online, and when you come back, your "opponents" accuse you or "running away" from the question, and then they claim *their* victory.

    --Added 12/07/99-------

    From Joe [joe@thatguyjoe.com]:
    Hi, I don't know if these really count as peeves but I'm sending anyway. I did not write this, but as a I.T. support person I have experienced each one of these scenarios!
    Tips For Getting The Most From Your I.T. Department.
  76. When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies and children's art. We don't have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours.
  77. Don't write anything down. Ever. We can play back the error messages from here.
  78. When an I.T. person says he's coming right over, go for coffee. That way you won't be there when we need your password. It's nothing for us to remember 300 screen saver passwords.
  79. When you call the help desk, state what you want, not what's keeping you from getting it. We don't need to know that you can't get into our mail because your computer won't power on at all.
  80. When I.T. support sends you an e-Mail with high importance, delete it at once. We're just testing.
  81. When an I.T. person is eating lunch at his desk, walk right in and spill your guts right out. We exist only to serve.
  82. Send urgent email all in uppercase. The mail server picks it up and flags it as a rush delivery.
  83. When the photocopier doesn't work, call computer support. There's electronics in it.
  84. When you're getting a NO DIAL TONE message at home, call computer support. We can fix your telephone line from here.
  85. When you have a dozen old computer screens to get rid of, call computer support. We're collectors.
  86. When something's wrong with your home PC, dump it on an I.T. person's chair with no name, no phone number and no description of the problem. We love a puzzle.
  87. When an I.T. person tells you that computer screens don't have cartridges in them, argue. We love a good argument.
  88. When an I.T. person tells you that he'll be there shortly, reply in a scathing tone of voice: "And just how many weeks do you mean by shortly?" That motivates us.
  89. When the printer won't print, re-send the job at least 20 times. Print jobs frequently get sucked into black holes.
  90. When the printer still won't print after 20 tries, send the job to all 68 printers in the company. One of them is bound to work.
  91. Don't learn the proper name for anything technical. We know exactly what you mean by "my thingy blew up".
  92. Don't use on-line help. On-line help is for wimps.
  93. If the mouse cable keeps knocking down the framed picture of your dog, lift the computer and stuff the cable under it. Mouse cables were designed to have 20kg of computer sitting on top of them.
  94. If the space bar on your keyboard doesn't work, blame it on the mail upgrade. Keyboards are actually very happy with half a pound of muffin crumbs and nail clippings in them.
  95. When you get a message saying "Are you sure?" click on that Yes button as fast as you can. Hell, if you weren't sure, you wouldn't be doing it, would you?
  96. When you find an I.T. person on the phone with his bank, sit uninvited on the corner of his desk and stare at him until he hangs up. We don't have any money to speak of anyway.
  97. Feel perfectly free to say things like "I don't know nothing about that computer crap". We don't mind at all hearing our area of professional expertise referred to as crap.
  98. When you need to change the toner cartridge in a printer, call I.T. support. Changing a toner cartridge is an extremely complex task, and Hewlett-Packard recommends that it be performed only by a professional engineer with a master's degree in nuclear physics.
  99. When you can't find someone in the government directory, call I.T. Support.
  100. When you have a lock to pick on an old file cabinet, call I.T. Support. We love to hack.
  101. When something's the matter with your computer, ask your secretary to call the help desk. We enjoy the challenge of having to deal with a third party who doesn't know anything about the problem.
  102. When you receive a 30mb (huge) movie file, send it to everyone as a mail attachment. We've got lots of disk space on that mail server.
  103. Don't even think of breaking large print jobs down into smaller chunks. Somebody else might get a chance to squeeze a memo into the queue.
  104. When an I.T. person gets on the elevator pushing $100,000 worth of computer equipment on a cart, ask in a very loud voice: "Good grief, you take the elevator to go DOWN one floor?!?" That's another one that cracks us up no end.
  105. When you lose your car keys, send an email to the entire company. People out in Pofadder like to keep abreast of what's going on. 32. When you bump into an I.T. person at the grocery store on a Saturday, ask a computer question. We do weekends.
  106. Don't bother to tell us when you move computers around on your own. Computer names are just a cosmetic feature.
  107. When you bring your own personal home PC for repair at the office, leave the documentation at home. We'll find all the settings and drivers somewhere.

    From [debbby88@hotmail.com]:
  108. These 2 women in my EMT class. They are in their late 20's/early 30's and pass each other notes during the class. They hide the letter when they are writing so no one else can see, then they pass the letter to each other and laugh when they get it. It's like: Grow up already!

    From "me" (no, not me):
  109. Certain Catholics who never waste the chance to show disdain for non-Catholic denominations Certain people that never waste the chance to call born-again Christians "fundies"

    From Fefe [felicia.elam@fbix.com]
  110. Athletes or entertainers, who are male, that exploit or abuse women but are "forgiven" because of their status(Puff Daddy, Bill Clinton et al)
  111. Music videos that exploit female sexuality but are defended by both men & women because the women in the video " don't have to do it, they could find other work".
  112. Nicole Simpson jokes and derogatory references. These have pretty much diminished over the past few years but to live in a society where mass murder is a joke is disturbing. How can we question when another "tragedy" happens at a school, when our society makes light of domestic violence?
  113. People who believe everything they see on television.
  114. People who put infants in front of the television (before they are old enough to balance themselves) because it's a good babysitter.
  115. The Millenium hype. Our calendars have been screwed with by so many different people for whatever purposes have suited them, there is no true way of telling what the date of this year is. There is a Jewish calendar, a Chinese calendar, a Mayan calendar. Which one is correct? We should realize that this Millenium crap is a marketing ploy, pumped up by major corporations(Mars candy, cruise lines offering specials, etc...),to get you to buy more crap or to scare you into buying more crap.(Are you Y2K ready?)
  116. SUV's. When I was a kid (I'm 34), there was an energy crisis. We were taught to conserve energy, gas prices shot up, and we were concerned about our energy running out before our lives did. This phenomenon disappeared in the early 70's. Now we have these road-hogging, gas-guzzling behemoths that only one or two people seem to occupy. They are too big. You cannot see around them in traffic or in parking lots. THERE IS NO REASON AN URBAN DWELLER OR PEOPLE WITH LESS THAN 5 CHILDREN NEED THIS TYPE OF MACHINERY. They guzzle too much gas, they are inconvenient and they use too many natural resources (petroleum comes to mind.) Hey Americans, we aren't the only people on this planet who use gasoline.

    From C-scape [carela@txu.net]
  117. People who call me at work for help and then tell me I'm wrong when I give them the answer. Why did you ask? Do it your own damn self.
  118. People who leave notes, etc. in my chair instead of the in-basket. I throw away anything left in my chair. I never look at it so I don't know anything about when you come looking for it.
  119. People who come looking for the big boss man and refuse to tell me what they need him for and jerk the documents they have behind their backs so I can't see them. Notice the close proximity of my desk to his. Guess what that means? I am his assistant, you idiot. I'm the expert on everything that happens in this department. Get over yourself.

    From Zack B. [zack@everdev.com]
  120. Banner ads that try to trick you into clicking on them by either looking like a web form with a submit button, or saying "Click on the moving thingy for fun!" or something. Sheesh.

    From Carolyn (no, not the Carolyn who runs this web site):
  121. I have a 5 year old grandson on the internet with ours and he keeps getting ads to sell him things like water heaters, debt consolidations, and investments and we cannot get them to stop because when we try it comes up Not web approved for the kids. If this is the case why are they letting them get through to send them to kids?

    From Michelle:
  122. THE WHOLE cell phone thing. I mean COME ON PEOPLE is ANYthing really that important unless you are a Doctor on call for cripes sake?? These are the cell peeps that bug me: The Moron at the movie, the Dimwit driving his car and talking, the Geek in the grocery store tying up the aisle cause he cant figure out what kind of toilet paper the wife wants, the Dork in the diner, and any of the rest of you dummies who just can NOT go anywhere without your damn PHONE hanging out of your ear!!!!!

    From asahel martyr [asahel99@excite.com]
  123. Yeah, I have a peeve. I hate when Women with long finger nails tries to type on a keyboard. It is ANNOYING.

    From Jake:
  129. People that go to movies, then laugh pompously at things that people around them don't get. As if to say, "Oh, I'm just sooo much more intelligent than you simple people." Also, I hate people that clap after movies. Um, hello they can't hear you. I don't think they're going to be making curtain calls.
  130. Movies and television have been hyping the year 2000 for quite some time now. Now somebody tell me, what the hell is the hold up with the "flying car." They said we'd have it. What gives?
  131. Rosie O'Donnel
  132. Loud, obnoxious drunk people outside my dorm
  133. Long distance rates
  134. When I'm driving and an old man that passes me gives me a dirty look. Hey Mister, just because you have erectile disfunction, you don't have to take your rage out on me.

    From Melissa:
  135. Vegetation-eating cats. I love my cats, but I wish they'd leave my houseplants alone!
  136. Stupid news stories that say things like "the average American is spending $850.00 on Christmas gifts", and some people who can't afford to spend that much feel bad about it. Most people are I know aren't spending a fraction of that amount.
  137. Christmas. It's nothing but a greed-fest. Be nice to me all year long instead of one stinkin' day.
  138. People with no experience as an elected official (Steve Forbes, Pat Buchanan, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton, Ross Perot, Donald Trump, etc.) who think they can just get up and run for president. Gee, I was president of my 8th grade class, maybe this qualifies ME to run! I feel a person should at least hold one state-wide office (Carolyn is an exception, of course)!
  139. People who use Carolyn's guestbook as a debate forum (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)! Read the print: IT'S A GUESTBOOK, DUMMIES! Take it to e-mail, please!

    From Frank:
  140. I am sick and tired of these unemployable politicians (( lawyer is not a job, it is a calling to hatred)) telling me, an employed male what is best for me and mine. Stop telling me everything you do is for "our children's and Grandchildren's futures". Everything you do is for you and your scum of the earth political career and party.

    From "The Old Fart:"
  141. their
  142. there
  143. they're
  144. he fact that so many maleducated people do not know the correct usage of #'s 1, 2 and 3 above.
  145. In the absence of students' and graduates' ability to use 1, 2 and 3 above, "teachers" think they deserve a pay raise.
  146. Whore. This is a person who participates in some form of sexual act ((no parsing of words allowed, bubbatrailertrash ))at absolutely NO charge.
  147. Prostitute. This is a person who, in exchange for some form of exchange of negotiable commodity, participates in some form of sexual activity.
  148. A burger, fries and a Coke, or a filet mignon, baked potato and Ripple are "some form of exchange of negotiable commodity."
  149. If you're doing #8, you're a #7. Deal with it!!!
  150. democrats.
  151. liberals
  152. The Impeached, prevaricating, philandering whore who has forever soiled the Presidency of the United States.
  153. The incredibly partisan scumbags who ignored all statements of fact as presented to the U.S. Senate.
  154. Monosyllabic cretins who resent multisyllabic individuals.

    From "BA:"
  155. "Myself" is not the three dollar version of "me." "Myself" is also not the easy way out of the I versus me debate that confounds so many native English speakers. "Myself" is appropriate in about a tenth of the instances where it is used. If a sales person asks me to contact himself, I suspect he is being vaguely pornographic. Actually, he's just scared to use "me." He's afraid he'll sound stupid. Turns out it's a valid fear.
  156. The Bowl Championship Series is a fascist organization whose main objective is to ruin life for myself.
  157. People who were smug enough to think I did not use "myself" in item number two intentionally in an admittedly feeble attempt to be witty.
  158. People who are more punk rock than thou. Yeah, not knowing that American Psycho Band has a single on Little Deputy Records means you are worth less as a person.

    From Steve Russell:
  159. Taxes, Big Labor, regulations, bias CA Education system, Min Wage for those over 40, DNC, AFL CIO, UN, Supermarkets, too many ISPs for CA, CA State Rehab, Russian Armenians, scams, Medical fraud ( see 60 MIN TV show, 11-99), Unions claiming to be for worker, but Dues rise each year & I have NO access to funds or loans etc for E Commerce training for my Future, Hell with Unions. Unions=WTO, high prices, less morale, low pay. UAW is exception. See So CA food prices.

    From mecraig38:
  160. People who point out the abortion clinics just to defend abortions. Not every pro-lifer bombs abortion clinics.
  161. People who go into the net and say they hate the net.

    From Bubu:
  162. I hate those loose subscription cards that are inserted in magazines!!! I think I spend my entire time trying to shove those stupid subscriptions back into the pages while I try to read their stupid magazines. I keep doing that until I completely lose my patience and then I start chomping and grinding them to a pulp and curse all those magazine publishers and evil people who invented it!!!
  163. Another pet peeve I have are those drivers especially the absent-minded variety who forget to turn off their signal lights. They drive me crazy! Especially if they insist on driving on the left lane at 40 MPH. I wish someone would invent a device that can be secretly installed in cars that would turn the car (whether they like it or not)in the direction where the turn signal is blinking if the stupid driver forgets to change lanes or turn after 3 minutes.

    From Karter:
  164. How about those European relatives that stay with you and fill the waste basket in the washroom with used toilet paper because they don't want to plug your toilet????...Removal of the basket from the premisis is manditory!!!!!!
  165. When you go shopping with that special relative with chronic gastro problems and leaves his little surprise among a group of people and walks away....leaving those poor folks wondering which one of their friends let one fly.

    From Jomo Mojo [JomoMojoJomoMojo@aol.com]
  166. I wish I had a nickel for every time somebody on the Internet writes the possessive of "it" with an apostrophe, confusing it with the contraction for "it is!" It's the most persistently annoying pebble in the shoe of the English language.

  167. The Amazon.com Christmas commercials
  168. The ToysRUs.com Christmas commercials
  169. Broken Fingers!
  170. Budget rent-a-car commercials (they are gross and disgusting)

    From sufgal [surfgal1016@aol.com]
  171. When people have food stuck in their braces. Don't get me wrong, I know it can happen to anyone, but I just can't stand looking at someone and seeing what they had for lunch stuck in their teeth. My friend had a huge piece of who knows what in her front tooth one time and it was disgusting to look but even more embarassing to tell her. It was driving me crazy! And since I have braces too I am constantly checking in the bathroom to make sure there is nothing in my teeth. UGH!
  172. People who call me a ditz when I'm just absent-minded. Other people no right to turn every little thing I say into a reason to roll their eyes and say, "You're such a ditz." Gee, I wonder why I'm in ALL advanced classes if I'm a ditz? How did that happen? I especially hate it when the other people who say this are blonde. Really, sweeties, if you want to insult me, at least pick a decent insult. Calling me stupid just shows how stupid and uncreative you are!
  173. On and off friends. I hate having to deal with their "behavior patterns", wondering each day whether they'll be in a good mood or not. I want to slap them all and tell them to get with it. I am not the cause of your problem, if there even IS one.
  174. Guys with PMS. I swear it happens.
  175. People who look down on others. Often the people that do that are the ones that need to be looked down on.
  176. When you're talking to someone and their only response is "Oh." They can't say "Oh, really?" or "Oh, cool!" No, just "Oh." They may as well just say, "What you just said was so boring that I'm not even going to bother responding."!!!
  177. Backstabbers.
  178. When radio DJs talk halfway through a song.
  179. Overly positive people.
  180. Teachers that purposely call on you when they know you're not paying attention.
  181. People that are your friends one minute and then they're not the next.
  182. Snobs.
  183. People in general.

    From John Daddy X [bizzy_tha_klown@hotmail.com]
  184. People who diss on the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, outstanding, and once again beautiful, BRITNEY SPEARS!! Because she is awesome!!! As for chicks who diss on her, you only do it because she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and you be a fat ass heffer!!
  185. Hanson---need I say more?
  186. People who suck at singing, but keep trying to sing along to a song.. That really pisses me off..

    From [Dclash@aol.com]:
  188. People who ask you a question and then answer it themselves. I mean, what's the point of asking somebody a question if you aren't even going to give that person a chance to answer you?

    From Padu_81:
  189. Cotton balls- the feel of them gives me goosebumps
  190. When your doing dishes, I can't stand to dry the wooden spoons- yuck!

    From Taylor:
  191. hate when people buy expensive clothes that come beat up and raggedy. Like the clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch. I don't get why people would want to do this. I thought that the reason that people bought expensive clothes was so they looked nice and new, obviously not though. The way that I look at it is if someone wants a beat up pear of jeans or a torn up hat, go buy a cheaper one and tear it up yourself.

    --Added 11/22/99-------

    From Steve [yt13004x4@aol.com]:
  192. This is not so much as a pet peeve, but an apology. It turns out, according to a friend who, along with his coworkers (documentation people in the compuper business), looked up the correct spelling of the word "blond". It seems that it can go one of two ways. "Me and only me" appears to have gotten it right after all. But I'll bet only by accident. So here's to you! Oh, and all you documentation people need to be fired. Get to work!

    From "Smove One":
  193. Reporters on election night declaring a winner with only 1% of the precints counted. Kinda jumping the gun I think.
  194. Customers who don't listen to me!! They ask for a shoe in a size 9 and I'll say the biggest size left is a 7. They will say "Do you have an 8 1/2? Did you hear me? Can you count?
  195. Wet socks. I can't stand that feeling.
  196. Back seat drivers.
  197. People at a movie that laugh at the wrong time in the film.

    From Kathleen:
  198. People who rant about other's stupidity while making gross grammatical and spelling errors. (e.g.: "your stupid!" As The Misanthropic Bitch put it, "My stupid what?")The fact that everywhere you look now, even in newspapers, billboards, and magazines, proofreading has gone to hell in a handbasket. Apostrophies used in inappropriate places seem to be the biggest annoyance in that respect.
  199. Our society's obsession with fat and the de-sexualization of fat people. Elastic on pants over a certain size. Loss of detailing over a certain size. Less "sexy" clothes over a certain size. Seeing some companies selling clothing in size 12 as Large. When my mother was a size 12, her bones stuck out.
  200. The icky fashion industry and the current popular fashions.
  201. Ageism, sexism, racism, etc. If a 106 year-old woman wants to walk down the street in a mini skirt and heels, that's her business. Pre-conceived full-of-B.S. notions about how certain people should act and think.
  202. Organized religion.
  203. Overusing certain words and phrases.
  204. People who laugh when they don't "get it."
  205. People constantly on the lookout for any little evidence of hypocrisy. (You know who you are: you've already found some grammatical and spelling errors in my writing, much to your smug, annoyed satisfaction...)
  206. People who don't understand satire and as a result get all bent out of shape.
  207. People who think those in service positions are beneath them and treat them like objects. It's embarrassing to watch and makes the abuser look like an idiot. People who equate money and power with personal worth.
  208. I realise that people have the right to spend their money any way they choose, but I cannot help but be secretly annoyed by people who spend outlandish amounts of money on plain-brown-wrapper-type clothing (like a t-shirt) because of the store or brand when they could get it so much cheaper. The Gap and Old Navy particularly annoy me. Talbot's is the worst...I also don't like this "blah" look that seems to be hanging in there so tenaciously. I find it depressing...
  209. Men's cologne...I hate almost all of them, but I hate Polo the worst. I swear it smells like men's b***s, which, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against, but I don't want their whole body smelling that way.(I haven't noticed any women's cologne that smells like tuna....)
  210. Christmas in July.

    From Jada Webb:
  211. White people who act like they are black-Is Eminem an albino?
  212. Boys who think im stupid enough not to know that they are staring at my tits and ass.
  213. Britney Spears What a whore(cover of Rolling Stone)
  214. Fat chicas who go around wearing clothes two sizes two small.
  215. Boys who DONT follow the rule look but dont touch.
  216. My BITCHY old ass trig teacher
  217. People who wear lable underwear, socks, shoes, shirts, caps, jeans. Enough tommy hilfiger!
  218. The Slut who stole my boyfriend you know who you are
  219. Pokemon that stupid a** cartoon character just annoys the hell outa me.
  220. SCHOOL

    From debby88@hotmail.com:
  221. When you're in a hurry and someone cuts you off in traffic and then goes 35 mph. the rest of the way.

    From "Fed up" [vaultit@webtv.net]:
  222. Wanna be gang bangers ! I am so sick and tired of these little idiots moving to our town from LA county,bringing their little bleeding hearts with them.They come to our neighborhood and try and claim territory on the kids who have lived here all their lives.Whites and blacks mind their own business. The LITTLE MEXICAN IDIOTS want everyone to be in fear of them. Guess what we are not scared we are pissed.Why don't they get a life.Go back where you came from and trash your own hood.We don"t want you here. Most of us moved here to get away from their ignorance.I have many mexican friends and relitives who are more educated and have more goals than who can tag the most walls or steal the most cars.They say we want respect eh ! They have no freakin idea what the word even means.They are an embaressment to their race.I have one thing to say if any of you can read. Get a life and teach your kids better than your idiot parents taught you.And remember to use condoms, Thirteen year old mothers are a BIG part of the proublem.

    --Added 11/18/99-------

    From Jules:
  223. parents who let their little rats push shopping carts in grocery stores. These kids can't even walk straight. Do you really expect them to push the carts in a straight line?!
  224. stupid men who check out women with side-long looks and don't think they notice.
  225. people who sit in theatres and use their cell phones during the movie. Get a clue, moron. If I wanted to be interrupted during a movie, I would have stayed home.

    From John:
  226. a**holes who swing their car doors wide and dent/scrape your car and then drive away without leaving a note. They are the biggest wusses and if I ever caught one they'd regret it.
  227. in sync with the one above, people who park so close you have to crawl in your passenger door, unless you are one of those people who just slam your door into other people's cars then you are in heaven.
  228. getting a cup of coffee first thing in the morning at work and it is left over from the night before.
  229. teenagers with their parents credit cards who buy more stuff than I do. That's the way to teach them financial responsibility, use the card and it is magically paid each month by the bank of Mom and Dad. I work at a place where a girl direct from college asked during orientation that if you have a balance on a credit card does it mean you owe money. What did she learn at college?
  230. On the same note 16 year old kids with brand new cars. What are their parents thinking? Either they like to piss money away or aren't thinking. When I was a teenager the kids with the new cars, that were given to them, treated them the worst because they didn't work for the car.

    From "green-eyed girl":
  231. Mountains in socks! I hate when they get all bunched up at the top!
  232. Lint between my toes, I don't like the feeling of something between my toes, although I LOVE glocks!
  233. Hypocrites - enough said!
  234. Short pieces of hair that always seem to work their way out from the rest and stick straight out from your head!

    From Discodude [hairgel@email.com]:
  235. 1. People who say 'ATM Machine!' THE 'M' STANDS FOR MACHINE!!!
  236. My History Teacher! She has this stupid combination of a scream and a whine, and shrieks at you like a Chinese Harpie! Then if you try to say something in your defense, she'll shriek "Just DO it!!!!" followed by, "OK, I'm through having this conversation with you." YOU DIDN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH, B****!
  237. (Again) My History teacher! She gives you a referral if you don't call her "DR. -name withheld-!

    From Doktor Eisenbart [doktor_eisenbart@hotmail.com]:
  238. school
  239. dorms
  240. women who get mad at men for leaving the toilet seat up. How about we have you raise it when you're through going? Are you somehow more important then we are, so we must incinvenience ourselves, but you're somehow exempt? (btw-it's more of the attitude that pisses me off. I put the seat back down every time to keep the pets out ;) )
  241. other students
  242. people
  243. drunk people even more so drunk people who are loud as hell and feel the need to come into the place where I work and raise holy hell and generally be a pain the ass. Dammit, when you're drunk, STAY THE F**K HOME!!!!!
  244. government
  245. media
  246. everything not mentioned above :)

    From Joedaddy:
  247. When someone asks the question, "hey, can I ask you a question?" Just aks the question, don't prolong my suffering with your ingorant moronic rhetoric...ask the question...

    From Gwennie:
  248. hate people - not everyone though
  249. i hate my school - now i know we attend a public high school, but does that make todays youth stupid??
  250. my family needs a tune up
  251. the cheerleaders at my school! thats right girls you have to be n sync!! DUHHH! hello?

    From M Castaldo:
  252. I hate people that complain about other people and other things it is as if they don't have their own problems, its as if they are perfect!!!

    From Linder [Linder22@go.com]
  253. Mine problem is with people who never use there turn signal. The other are strangers who expect me to break the law for them. You all know the ones, they leave home LATE then do 75 in a 55 and get pissed at you because you won't break the law for them,A STRANGER!!!!! Then they go bye and cuss you out. Are these people smockin crack or what? Are they gonna pay my ticket? Hell no, they will go by thinking better him than me. And they wonder where road rage comes from. DAH!!!! Have a nice day and for God's sake use your blinkers,there free.

    --Added 11/15/99-------

  254. Web pages that say something like: "I know my page takes about 5 hours to load, but it's worth it!" You then see a massive animated gif. No, waiting 5 hours (ok, so I'm exaggerating) for that is NOT worth it. I am on a page now that has a 146K animated gif on the front.

    From Jasmine:
  255. men who leave the toilet seat up
  256. people who don't flush the toilet
  257. company leaving disposable dishware laying around
  258. women who have never been pregnant in thier lives telling you "i know how you feel" and giving advice on S**t they know nothing about.
  259. men & women who think that they are gods gift to others
  260. fat people who gorge themselves on junk food and then drink diet soda as if that is going to help them lose weight
  261. girls who get pregnant and then bitch about gaining weight.......hello!!!!!!! you are supposed to gain weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From "Aging gracefully" [vaultit@webtv.net]
  262. Cosmetic surgery ! What in the hell is Cher trying to do to herself? She is running a close second to Michael Jackson. She looks like a freakin muntant.She says "I want people to know older women can be thought of as sexy". Give it up! She is still sexy to older guys, just because she can't bag an 18 year old,She has had her face rearanged, her lips look like someone punched her.I think she is starting to look like a pathetic fool.

    --Added 11/12/99-------

    From Erin [jonsonea@email.com]
  263. When someone says "Jeez you look like crap" uhh thanks buddy!
  264. When smart girls act stupid to get attention.
  265. When you lose something and someone asks that all time stupid question..where's the last place you left it?
  266. When someone wears clothing that is 3 times their size.

    --Added 11/11/99-------

    From Melissa T:
  267. I'm taking a literature class and we have to read stuff by George Eliot, Henry James, etc. I guess I'm just a hopeless philistine, but I hate 19th century literature!! Most of it is BORING!
  268. People who flame websites and use poor grammar and spelling. For example, some idiot called Carolyn a "physco". I guess they studied "physcology" in school.
  269. People telling me what I should or shouldn't like, think, or do because of my gender and/or race. Sorry, but this is one black person that hates basketball. And I don't like romance novels, "chick movies," or think Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, George Clooney, etc. are cute, either, so there!
  270. The media acting like all teenagers are up to no good. Sure, they're some disturbed kids out there, but why don't they focus on the teenagers who get good grades, serve their communities, and are generally nice young people? They do exist!
  271. Kathy Lee Gifford and her sidekick, Regis Philbin. Not only are they sooo unfunny, they're phony as hell!
  272. People who take pens, etc., from my desk and don't return them. 'Scuse me, but these things cost $$$!
  273. I went to the Motor Vehicles Bureau the other day and there was a person there who needed a translator to take the learner's permit test!! Maybe I just don't get it, but how is this person supposed to read the street signs if he doesn't speak the language??
  274. Being tired as hell, like I am now, and looking at the clock and realizing it' only 2:30! Arrggh . . .
  275. People who get all bent outta shape about teenage smoking, attack the tobacco industry as the Evil Empire, and then think it's okay for the same teens to get abortions without their parents knowing about it. I don't like smoking, either, but does this make sense?
  276. People who leave their dogs out in lousy neighborhoods, like my a$$hole neighbors. The next time I see that dog out in a storm, I'm calling the SPCA! Carolyn -- see ya soon!

    From Brian:
  277. Moronic news people asking so called "experts" what they think caused a plane to crash 5 minutes after it happened. And of course the " experts" always say they " don't want to speculate at this point" because it's just too early to tell. Do these news people idiots think crash investigators can find out what happened the next day when the plane is in 500 billion pieces?? IT TAKES MONTHS AND MONTHS if they're lucky at all and maybe NEVER. So why don't they shut up and let these people just try to do their job...

    From "funbunny83" [brandy_bean@juno.com]
  278. really fat girls who wear skinny-girl clothes
  279. fair weather freinds
  280. kinny girls who think they're too fat
  281. everybody gets away with everything except me(i always get caught)
  282. people who ask you how you are doing, but don't hang around to hear the answer
  283. people who do their job half-assed, but gripe if so much as one hour isn't accounted for on their paycheck
  284. when an obese person with a twinkie in their hand asks you why you think they are fat
  285. people who make themselves a minority
  286. every time you try settle something with a black person THEY make it a racist issue
  287. working at Celebraion Station

    From Allison [allisonrenee@myTalk.com]:
  288. I can't stand it when I'm trying to merge onto the highway and I get stuck behind an old person in a buick or a mom in her mini-van who chooses to go 40mph on the on ramp. Or sometimes they even STOP!!!!
  289. When a family comes into a restaurant to eat and their baby spills s**t everywhere and the parents don't event pick up anything off the floor. And after the server picks up the kids mess, the family only leaves the server a dollar tip.

    From Julie:
  290. Along with Kitty's Peeve! Yankee Fans! And along with that people who love the Atlanta Braves until they lose. I am a fan of them no matter what! Same thing applies with all the teams i like. I don't like them only when they are winning.
  291. People who discriminate against people who date out of their race!
  292. Ok I have a few repsoponses to peoples peeves which kinda p!$$ed me off. First, to TEDDY about cheerleaders. I was a cheerleader & on drill team and yeah..it is a sport. Cheerleaders & Drill Team have to work very hard (or at least the ones at my old high school) to perform and stay in shape ans look good performing. You shouldn't be one to talk about how it isn't a sport if you have never been there to experience it. It may not be a sport in the same way as baseball but yes it is a sport.
  293. second, this didn't make me mad but i wanted to agree with ASHLEY...girls, if you don't have large breasts, you don't want them. I wish I didn't have them as big now!
  294. Third, to KELLY ROSE...i am in a sorority and not all of us are just 24/7 party animals. Just because of what you have heard your entire life, doesn't mean it is true. Before I joined a sorority, i thought that about sororities and frats too, but not all of them afe like that!
  295. And Last, to RAY about teens with cell phones and pagers. Yeah it is one thing when the teen have them out flaunting them around but I have both and see nothing wrong with it. My pager is for my friends that need to get in touch with me since i am rarely home and if they need something, they may not be able to wait. And on my cell phone....i got it for the purpose that when i am driving home from college or on road trips and i have car trouble, I can get help. it doesn't make me "more important" than others but there are reasons i need both!

    From Andrew [hannibal_31@yahoo.com]:
  296. Keyboards/Mice with dirty skin build-up.
  297. Amazingly long finger nails on bank tellers.
  298. Colourful ads for incredibly load, crunchy, explosive potato chips.
  299. Weak showers.
  300. People calling the Miami Dolphins, 'The Fish' ... dolphins are mammals not fish.
  301. People who start a sentence by saying 'Not for nothing'.
  302. People who always say 'what did you say?' and then immediately answer you.
  303. Also, people who can make the sayings 'Excuse Me' and 'I'm Sorry' into aggressive statements.

    From Debby88:
  304. When you go into a restaurant and they say they're getting ready to close and it's an hour before the time posted on the door.
  305. Two people in my EMT class who act nice to everyone's faces, but when someone walks out the door, they start badmouthing the person. I'd hate to see what they say about me when I'm not around!
  306. Shy guys who you know like you see you and when you get the guts to approach them and say "hi", they act like they didn't see you.
  307. People who when you try and tell them your problems, they always make like theirs are 100 times worse than yours.
  308. People who have to make "fat jokes" or make fun of other's imperfections. One day they might wind up eating those words...
  309. When you wait for someone in the car and they say they will be 5 minutes and they're an hour.
  310. People who use "cool" phrases like--"my bad", "da bomb", "true dat", "nappy", "as if" and "cool beans"--that just ERKS me!

    --Added 11/04/99-------

    Anthony Antetomaso
  311. Liberal politicians who want to raise everybody's taxes, but spend thousands, themselves, hiring tax-attorneys to help them avoid those very taxes!! Liberal Leaders should be just that, and lead. Take NO DEDUCTIONS April 15th, and show us your greatful for the wonderful job we've given you!
  312. Store clerks who put the bills in your hand and then dump 67 cents on top of the bills! That should be a 'firing' offense!
  313. people who give you the 'finger' as they run the STOP sign three feet in front of your bumper.
  314. (but not least) the unholy alliance between my state government and it's teachers union, wherein the teachers and administrators get all the loot they can carry in return for turning out citizens too ignorant to understand how terrible their government is treating them, and direly in need of more and more Government Assistance (for which the government will, of course, need to raise, what? TAXES!! very good!)

    From Will:
  315. ALL politicians should be thrown into the fiery pits of hell to suffer eternal damnation for the damage they have done to our once most excellent nation...
  316. Oh, and mustard should be banned from the face of the earth too. It sucks. Might as well toss in into hell with those loser politicians...

    From Kitty:
  317. "Yankee Fans" You are not!! Hello! Yeah they won. So all of a sudden, everybody in the U.S. likes them. Pick one team and stick with it! (If you have been a fan since you could remember, this does not apply to you.)

    From Ronald Leon:
  318. The fact that my father died 20 years before he should have. He was the best!
  319. People who complain and moan to no end over $1 ATM fees but are quiet and contented to pay 60% of their income to federal, state and local taxes. These same folks get mad at the oil companies for high gas prices when 70% of the cost of each gallon is TAXES! Amazing.
  320. Men with earings, especially in both ears.
  321. Feminists hypocrites (aren't they all) who fight for abortion "rights" because "it's her body" but think that prostitution should be kept illegal.
  322. American citizens who have never read the Declaration of Independence or The Constitution of the United States.
  323. Businesses who post signs in Spanish, voting ballots in Spanish and Spanish on ATM machines. Nations Bank is the king of this crap. 90% of Spanish speakers in America also speak & read English so most of these places are just trying to be politically correct and pandering. This is America and English is our language. The Declaration of Independence was written in English, The Constitution is written in English and our laws are written in English. Our courts and government function in English.... Voting ballots are the worst. You must be a citizen to vote and if you can't speak English how the hell did you get your citizenship? I have ZERO problem with immigrants coming to America, we are a nation of immigrants. But if you won't learn our language and you don't wish to be an American then go home!

    From "Rad":
  324. So-called Conservatives kissing Liberals @$$#$ and letting them get by with anything they want
  325. So-Called Conservatives trying to find "common ground" with Liberals. I mean thats fine if you like being stabbed in the back

    From Michelle M:
  326. People who bitch and moan and try to ram their beliefs about Halloween being "satans holiday" down my throat!!! GET OVER YOURSELVES!! I do NOT need saving. In THIS household Halloween is about one thing and ONE thing only. Dressing up and going out and getting candy. OK?? GOT THAT?? Take your warped intrepretation and go ELSEWHERE!! Damn this makes me mad.

    From Steve [yt13004x4@aol.com]:
  327. I don't get it with these kids costumes. You know the ones that are just vinyl bodysuits with a crummy mask. Like if I want to dress up and be Sonic the Hedgehog, how does a blue bodysuit with a picture of who I am supposed to be look anything like that character? I'm not trying to burst the kids' bubble, but even when I was a kid, I knew this was stupid. Hell, I prefered some weak homemade costume to these hot, sticky, smelly, "costumes". Basically, its just a disguise. And only then because of the mask with the rubber band that is thinner than floss!
  328. On an unrelated note, if you're gonna be pissed about blonde jokes and crack "stupid" brunettes, please check your spelling. It gives you the credibility you seem to be looking for.

    --Added 10/27/99-------

    Thanks to "Me and ME only" for the next 6 peeves
  329. Guys who don't get the "little" hints us girls drop them. "Hi. I like you!" "Oh I wonder who i can hook up with?" Uh no offense but most of the guys I know have bricks instead of heads...
  330. The Baptists who tried to force their religion down the Jew's throat. I don't know what I am but I am as sure as h*** not gonna be a Baptist. Haven't the Jews suffered enough?
  331. Girls who insist on calling my friend(s) sluts, when they know for a fact they are themselves. No you don't look cute in braces and you are not as pretty as you think.
  332. Blond Jokes Yes I'm blond, and I'm not a genius, but I know A LOT of stupid brunettes and where are the jokes for them?
  333. People who tell me repeatedly that one day I'm going to get a boyfriend. NO I AM NOT!! Every guy on this continent hates me and I know it. Realize it! (And no I do not care)
  334. People who search the Internet looking for some s**. No I do not give out online.

  335. My new Pet Peeve Page on my new homepage URL is: http://homepages.msn.com/TwentiesCir/debbby88/Peeves.html even though it doesn't have anything on it yet, maybe this could help! [debbby88@hotmail.com]

  336. I am tired of watching people accuse eachother of "slander" on the internet and in letters to the newspaper. Get yourself a dictionary and use it: you cannot, by definition, slander someone in print! Slander is spoken defamation, libel is written. Get it straight! Kelley Rose [gazelle_sunday@unbounded.com]

    --Added 10/26/99-------

    Thanks to John for the next 3 peeves
  337. I hate the religious right who lobbied long and hard to vote against an Education Lottery in Alabama, who is ranked nearly last in the nation in education. They lobbied on the premise that the bible shows it is wrong, never explicitly says it. However, these are the same people who have Bingo every week and raffles which seem to be just a different form of gambling. A word comes to mind and it is, HYPOCRITES. Let the kids be stupid that way they won't question us, only blindly follow.
  338. I agree with the person about people who continue to drive in a lane that is closing, ignoring those waiting in line. I hate the people who let them in even more.
  339. Alabama's lack of a mandatory auto insurance law and lack of an inspection process. I don't think that Saran wrap qualifies as a safe and suitable door for a car.

  340. I hate it when people say "tesses". There is NO SUCH word. The word is TESTS!!!!! Tammi

    --Added 10/24/99-------

    Thanks to Jake "The Pissed Off Guy" for the next 2 peeves
  341. People that rush the keg. Take your turn a***ole.
  342. Girls that date complete putzes, just to have something to bitch about.

    Thanks to Ryanne [sugar_ghurl@hotmail.com] for the next 3 peeves
  343. My pet peeve is when people talk to you and they have the worst smelling breath ever!!!
  344. Is the fact that older people think kids are so stupid and they think we're all alike. I mean that we all do bad things.
  345. I hate people who wear clothes that are so slutty and absolutely look so bad on them. I know it's a free country but why wear it if it looks bad. And to the parents, if your kids were wearing these types of clothes, why let them???

    Thanks to Mike C. [mcaste2998@aol.com] for the next six peeves
  346. I hate people that are always ready to tell you how to live your life, but don't want you to tell them how to live theirs.
  347. I hate people that jump on bandwagons (ex. when a major sporting event comes up like the World Series or Super bowl) esp when they had no interest in the thing before
  348. I hate people that have no idea how to care for their children(ex. when you see a mother and/or father walking around in a Mall and their small child is 25 ft behind them that really pisses me off)I saw this one time in Central Park!
  349. I hate people that run or jog on busy streets toteing a child (real dumb)
  350. I hate rappers when they point their fingers in your face or make hand gestures, that really annoys me.
  351. I hate people that cross busy streets without looking or see you coming in your car and keep walking anyway (they should make it alright to hit them like in death race 2000, only kidding but it still pisses me off)

    --Added 10/22/99-------

    Thanks to Chrissy [chrissy143@myTalk.com] for the next 7 peeves
  352. AARRGGHH...I cannot tolerate inconsiderate individuals who think their prescence is an honor to all, and whom take it upon themselves to stop by one's house without first calling (or warning) and then!...have the AUDACITY to march their butts right into your house and stay for over two hours after nonchalantly noticing..."Oh! Were you sleeping?"
  353. Also...why do people write their names and house numbers on their trash cans? I just cannot understand that...I mean, who in their right mind is going to want to walk away with someone else's crap?!
  354. The old...can I borrow $50 and I'll give it back to you Friday...and Friday never comes.
  355. People who go out and buy the same thing you have but only the next best one and then say 'Oh, we've been wanting this for so long...blah, blah, blah'.
  356. Those who screen every single call and only pick up when it's a number they aren't familiar with just to be nosy and find out who it is.
  357. Being groped by friends or family because they think it's funny...hint, hint...IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!
  358. If someone tells you, "Don't look now, but..." ...THEN DON'T LOOK NOW!!!

    Thanks to Angela K. Kincaid [hinj@pcisys.net] for the next 11 peeves
  359. "kewl" The word is *cool*. Not kool, not kewl, but COOL.
  360. Persons whobelieve it is dangerous for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
  361. "If it bleeds, it leads." The media's refusal to report stories about violence averted by the mere presence of a defensive firearm (with or without shots fired). This happens 2.5 million times a year...not that the general public knows.
  362. The Clinton Adminstration's refusal to prosecute criminals for federal firearms law violations.
  363. The Clinton Administration.
  364. William Jefferson Clinton.
  365. Al Bore...er, Gore.
  366. Having the manager follow me around the store because I am legally and openly carrying a firearm. (I mean, how dumb would I have to be to walk in openly carrying and then rob the place? I'm one of the good guys!)
  367. Politics based on emotions and sound bites rather than hard facts.
  368. Politics as usual.
  369. Politics.

  370. NAACP paying people NOT to vote for two certain senators who vetoed no on making a pro-abort state judge a federal judge who just happens to be black Yes people this is really happening in Mo. radcnsrv@radical-conservative.org
  371. People misspelling Carolyn's name she spells it C A R O L Y N I mean c'mon people her name is right on her site! I've noticed alot of people doing this and frankly it p***** me off radcnsrv@radical-conservative.org

    Thanks to Marcel & Louise [wheezy@dplanet.ch] for the next nine peeves
  372. First of all we want to thank Carolyne for this page. We don`t agree on everything posted here, but it gives us the oportunity to tell the world what really pisses us off. Now the pet peeves: Pro-Life sucks. We`ll probably get slaughtered for this, but we`re tryin` to make a point. We don`t agree on little girlies screwing around and having two or three abortions in a row. And we`re not agreein`with murder either. But how can someone thats so much against ending other peoples lives go out and blow up Clinics and shoot doctors....? How sick can you Hypocryts get? Oxymoron?....We think so.
  373. Drinking Laws. Ok, here`s the deal. Let`s just send 18 year old to war and let them kill other people just because they have a different opinion on things or a different relgion, but don`t allow them to have a glass of beer. How f$$$ing stupid is that??
  374. Midwives who refuse to give you pain relief while your in labour!!! Can you believe that my midwife actually bluntly refused to give me even gas and air while I was in labour with my son, just because it was against HER beliefs... I mean, was she feeling my pain or what???
  375. Stupid moron Drivers. Ok, I know i am medieval with my thoughts on what they should do with stupid morons on our streets. First of all, isn`t 75 miles different if you drive in front of me than driving behind me? Or why do you pass with the last horsepower your box has to offer and then slow down again right in front of me so if have to slam the brakes? Swiss women, face it, they have no friggin`clue on how to drive....get sick and die!! Or the idiots driving on the passing lane for ever and doing just the speedlimit. Shoot them and quarter them. Every day they should hang up a stupid driver on a tree with a poster around their neck saying what stupid morons they are.
  376. Bleached blondes. If you wern't born blonde then take the hint!! Why try make yourself look dumb??? And for those of you who do anyway, at least do it properly, that means no black roots, black eyebrows or whatever...
  377. Those stupid drive through idiots. Where the hell do they get these people from??? How the hell can it be so hard to listen to an order and get it??? I forget how many times we've been to a drive through and they've still got the order wrong even after repeating it back to you! Derrrrr...
  378. American TV... In Switzerland where we live, you get flooded with porn adds, soft porn movies etc... You can hear swearing and see naked people... On American TV, your not even allowed to see a babys butt on a pampers comercial, let alone seeing some boobs!!! Here's the point. The only reason why you don't see things like that on American TV is the fact that some idiots have the right to tell you what you can and can't watch. Believe me, the porn crap on Tv over here really pisses us off, but surely blanking out the boobs on Jerry Springer and cutting out the swearing is taking it a bit far? And if your so worried about what your children watch then hell have some parental control!!! Every TV has a button to switch it off, and last....if I want to swear i goddamn will....without that annoying beeeeeep in the friggin`background.
  379. Rich working parents... How can people who earn so much money employ nannies to watch their kids? If one parent is earning enough money to support the family then why do both parents work? No wonder kids are growing up so confused about life. Look at those school shootings for instance. The parents had no clue that their own kids were being bullied or that they were carrying and making weapons. Money can buy you happiness for a while, but it will never bring back your childs first few years. Its just pure greed...
  380. Gun control. First of all, i am not trigger-happy, nor am i a freak. I like guns because they`re a part of human history, if you like it or not. And i am a professional Gunsmith. But thats not the point. Let me tell you a little story: Two guns woke up in the morning and one of them said: "Lets just go out and kill somebody, the best thing would be, we kill young kids" Ok, get the point? Guns do not kill nor did they ever kill. Its the moron who pulls the trigger. Lets just ban all cars, knifes, stones and planes, `cause they kill people too, right? Get a life, you idiots and educate your children on something that is as old as humankind itself. You can`t get rid of guns, and if you think otherwise, your living in a happy happy world. Deal with it, and don`t blame a chunk of iron for your lack of human sence. Louise adds: Before I moved to Switzerland I hated guns and believed that they were to blame for all the school shootings etc... But now I see differently. The numbers of shootings here are far less than anywhere else purely because the people here grow up with them. Its a strong tradition and guns are not seen as a novelty or something thats 'cool' Half the problem elsewhere is that any old nutter can get hold of a gun without any background check or without even knowing how to use it. Its sad but true...

    --Added 10/21/99-------

    Thanks to "debby88" for the next 14 peeves
  381. People who can't eat with their mouth shut.
  382. Skinny people who say their fat.
  383. People who lie to me, especially to my face.
  384. People who think they're better than everyone else.
  385. People who can't drive, and kids who just got their license who think they're invincible.
  386. People who are mean for no reason
  387. People who can't be nice to others on the other "side of the fence"
  388. People who are racist.
  389. People who let their kids run wild in church or a restaurant.
  390. People who are 2 faced.
  391. People who won't socialize with others who aren't relatives or in their "social class".
  392. People who do something bad, and then when it comes back to haunt them, they blame you.
  393. People who interrupt you and/or change the subject right in the middle of your sentence.
  394. People who adjust their crouches in public.

    Thanks to "Radical-Conservative" for the next 6 peeves
  395. First an oldie but goodie B A R N E Y
  396. Teletwits err teletubbies those "things can insult the intelligence of a newborn baby
  397. Racists of ANY Color black, white, yellow, red or for that matter green or purple
  398. Light bulbs burning out in the middle of writing peeves 5.Humans in general
  399. The Internet

    Thanks to Melissa T for the next 8 peeves
  400. White people complaining about the NAACP. Despite the name, anybody of any race can join this organization -- there's no exclusion policy. In fact, for years, the head of the NAACP was Kivie Kaplan, who was white and Jewish. BTW, there is a National Organization for the Advancement of White People -- started by former klansman David Duke.
  401. That stupid commercial advertising ESPN magazine where this bimbo cheerleader calls it "ES-PIN." Sounds like this could of been made in 1950 -- there's alot of intelligent, well-informed female sports fans out there, and this is insulting!
  402. Calling up a doctor's office to make an appointment and the receptionist or whatever is nasty.
  403. Doctors who see you for say, all of five minutes. Hey, if you spend 15 minutes with me, you'll still be able to make your #!?@ Mercedes payment.
  404. Having to stand up on the bus on the way to work. I'm tired and evil in the morning and this makes it worse!
  405. People who walk their stupid-ass dawgs in the cemetery. How would they like to visit their loved one's grave and see a pile of s**t on it?
  406. Speaking of cemeteries, Halloween is coming up and there's always idiots out there who think it's "fun" to vandalize graveyards. This is not only sick, it's against the law!
  407. Pro-lifers who continuously attack gays. What's the point? What does this have to do with abortion? Leave the gays alone! Some gay people are even pro-life.

    --Added 10/20/99-------

  408. That damn Eastwood commercial. I can't stand that one asian girl or whatever she is. The part when she says "bummer" or " numbers don't lie" really annoys me!! Nymol

  409. The person who thinks that Native Americans would be "starving, cannibalistic and I got 20 bucks that says you STILL wouldn't have a written language" if it weren't for Columbus. I hate to point this out to you & all... but a Cherokee Indian named Sequoyah was the ONLY man in history to single-handedly develop & perfect an Alphabet. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was made by a... you guessed it, Native American. The only Indian tribes that were cannibalistic in the Americas were in SOUTH America, last time I checked Columbus helped to colonize NORTH America. And haven't you ever seen a Thanksgiving play? It was the Indians who taught the white man to plant corn so that THEY wouldn't starve. Granted, if Columbus hadn't settled here then it's quite likely all Native Americans would be slaves to the Spanish, as they were rapidly taking over North American & taking the Western Tribes as slaves. So, shall I give you an address to send me my $20? :) Melody [wikked@cdc.net]

  410. Morning people who think that their circadian rhythms make them morally superior to us night owls. When I'm in charge, I'm scheduling all the mandatory meetings for 2am just to see how THEY like it! Jen

  411. I agree with Jen! (Carolyn, the night person)

  412. There ought to be a law forbidding people from starting a sentence with "There ought to be a law..." Merril Z

  413. People who after a mile of warning signs that their lane will end, stay in that lane and try to come into yours at the last minute to get into the 10 ft. space between you and the next car when there is plenty of space behind you. What makes it worse if you don't let them in they get the telephone number off your company vehicle and call your boss and tell him that YOU ran them off the road!! B. Martin [lulusboy@yahoo.com]

  414. When anti-drug-legalization advocate's kids end up busted and they pay a ton of money for a lawyer. =) What if your kids don't listen to you or DARE (Do Acid Really Early)? Lock them up and throw away the key! Dennis Comeaux [dennispc@mindspring.com ]

  415. How every single guy around loves BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!! Megan Carter [meg24bsb@cs.com]

  416. ME having to call the techs at my ISP to tell THEM they are having major problems. DJ

    Thanks to Daisy for the next 14 peeves
  417. The idiot who sits behind me in french class and fails every test and has to ask me constantly what the teacher is saying (the teacher talks in french). HELLO? This is ur 3rd year of french its not that hard. If u don't understand drop it.
  418. When the same person tells me reason she failed the test is the teacher is racist. When i inform her its probably because she got all the questions wrong. She then calls me racist.
  419. OR when i am called racist and then they tell me its because my ancestors owned slaves. Both sides of my family are Irish and didn't even come to America till the 1900. WE didn't own slaves.
  420. When these really tall black boys yell you stupid white girl when i walk by. God knows if a bunch of white boys yelled that to a black girl they would be suspended.
  421. How thin girls have to be. I am 14, 5'3", and 120 pounds. I am not fat!! I know this but the clothes the are fashionable are way too tight. and reveal way too much, i don't feel like having a ton of guys look down my shirt and up my skirt.
  422. When guys will only date girls with really big boobs. one of my closest guy friends told me he was only dating this girl because she was really big chested.
  423. Couples that make out in the middle of the hallway. If wanna do it move to the side so i can get to my classes.
  424. If i have one more person tell me "don't worry, SOME guy will ask u to homecoming." Excuse me i was asked by 4 guys but i just didn't wanna go with them.
  425. Most of my girl friends who weren't asked to homecoming won't go. I am dateless and going. ALL my guy friends who are dateless are going cause its no big deal.
  426. OLD dirty men who hit on me at walmart.
  427. the cheerleaders at my school. they are biggest groups of airheads. Its not cheerleaders in general because i have some cheerleaders at other schools who are the smartest girls i know. but at my high school they are morons.
  428. guys who feel compelled to tell me how "well-endowed" they are, well gee thanks for sharing.
  429. People who feel they must save my soul from hell. i am only 14 and i don't know what religion i support so get over it. Most of those people just mindlessly believe whatever they were raised with. God will appreciate it more if i question but come back then if i just believe, at least in my opinion.
  430. Whenever a guy has an opinion he is considered smart but i have an opinion and i am annoying. When the football players have ideas its like the world should celebrate but i should keep my mouth shut.

    --Added 10/15/99-------

    Thanks to Melissa for the next five peeves
  431. Phoney "holidays" like National Bosses' Day. My boss is a moron and also looks like a troll -- so that makes her a moronic troll (or a trollish moron). She doesn't give me anything but a hard time, so I'm not going to give her JACK!
  432. White people who ask me "oh, did you get your hair cut?" when I didn't. The answer is: no, I got caught in the rain and it's just nappy.
  433. Hangnails. They HURT! I would also like to know: why don't we get hangnails on our toes?
  434. "Teen sex comedies" about nerdy guys chasing popular girls/nerdy girls chasing popular guys, etc. I mean, make a movie about something original!
  435. People who visit websites, flame the guestbooks with messages about how much they hate it, and then come back again! If you hate the site so much, why do you torture yourself by returning to it over and over again? Or people who leave obscene, vulgar, or insulting messages on someone's guestbook and actually expect an answer. And don't forget people who post under multiple names -- we know who you are -- right, Ted?

    Thanks to Mo [a_girl_called_mo@gurlmail.com] for the next 5 peeves
  436. Cheerleaders. I hate 'em. I could kill 'em (not really). I swear, one of the requirements at my school to become a cheerleader of any type is to have screwed 3 out of 4 memebers of the football team. Oh by the way, girls, this is not a sport. It does not take the physical effort of a hockey player to wear tight, slutty outfits and jump up and down saying "WOOHOO! OH YEAH!!! LETS GO TEAM!!! OH YEAH!"
  437. High school football. The assholes on my schools ''team'' are over-fed brats. Boys, I'm quite capable myself to tell that you're on the football team. I don't need you in my face every 5 minutes telling me you're on the team and you can "get me in the game free" if I do you a favor (a favor that almost always consists of some sexual perversion).
  438. Those commercials on tv for Old Navy. That old lady with the glasses has got to go!! I hate it!
  439. My Spanish teacher. Arggghhh...the woman has NO sence of style at all. And she tries to speak spanish with an accent which always makes her sound like she's strung up on PCP.
  440. People at my school who ask me if I'm Jewish because I wear a dot on my forehead. For one thing, that's Hinduism children. And second, I do it because I want to.

    Thanks to Teddy S [Teddy75@collegeclub.com] for the next 10 peeves
  441. Why is it that whenever disaster strikes (ie. when there is a shooting in the inner city or a flood in the midwest), people on the news find the most dumb-ass person to tell the story? You mean to tell me there wasn't ONE semi-intelligent person who can say what happened?
  442. People who pass around a person on the highway only to slow down when done, especially when the road is wide open. Was 75mph different in front of me than behind me?
  443. While I'm there: On the highway, there are TWO OR THREE LANES! If you don't intend on going within 10 miles of the speed limit MOVE OVER. I'm not a speeder, but the limit is there for good reason.
  444. If you know you are a hot head (like me), when someone offends you, let it go. I have come to realise I look like an ass when I don't before acting and I promise you don't look any better.
  445. Intolerance
  446. Racists
  447. I am black and I believe in affirmative action for ANY minority in a field white, black, asian, whatever. But I hate affimative action for people who are obviously not qualified (as apart for disadvantaged). Personally, I would rather have the smart Indian pilot vs an obviously underqualified black one.
  448. I don't think there are really stupid questions, but I do hate not well thought out ones. (Me: What time is it? XYZ: you mean now?)
  449. I hate people quick to find fault with others, but cry when someone points out thier faults. 10.)
  450. Finally . . .I get peeved when I try to change a bad habit and then cave into it. Moreover . .people who complain/brag about a fault, but don't do anything to change it.

    Thanks to Steve [Pikachu110672@aol.com] for the next 30 peeves
  451. People who tolerate these stupid made-for-TV movies. If you haven't seen them 500 times, they're all basically the same.
  452. Al Gore - "What's that Al? Are you telling us you invented the Constitution now?"
  453. Gauntlet loyalists who don't like the game "Gauntlet Legends". Yeah, Gauntlet was great in the '80s, but considering it's been a dozen years since the last sequel, I think it's time we started falling in love again.
  454. The people who don't appreciate the special codes on Gauntlet Legends. The Pojo password and the nude valkyrie are hilarious!
  455. Jesse "The Soulless" Ventura.
  456. People who think I'm immature because I like Pokémon. To them I tell you my girlfriend got me into it, and her authority is much higher than YOURS.
  457. People who call someone a pervert or that they are demented for reading Playboy Magazine. Yeah, well, I got news for you... I don't read Hustler and I don't listen to Howard Stern, so I'm NOT anti-female.
  458. The Native American Student Center for posting up these anti-Columbus ads. I got news for you jerks, if it wasn't for Columbus, you'd still be starving, cannibalistic and I got 20 bucks that says you STILL wouldn't have a written language.
  459. People who make a list and put the same item on twice to prove a point.
  460. People who make a list and put... oops, sorry. How about people who can't take a joke?
  461. The entire B-movie horror genre. Why? Because I don't want to see it, even if it stars Brandy or Jennifer Love Hewitt.
  462. a special peeve goes to a guy I work with, 50-odd attorney who comes in wearing Ocean Pacific garb.
  463. Anyone who still believes the number 13 is bad luck.
  464. Morning radio hosts who talk 80% of the time. When I get up, I want to hear "The Man On The Silver Mountain", or some other good song. I don't want to hear how many references a disc jockey can make to private parts.
  465. People who still think Clinton is cute... he has what, 20 or so accusers now?
  466. People at college that believe that I'm a closed-minded rich person just because I happen to be a white guy. Excuse me, I'm getting a Bachelor's so I can become affluent. I'm not rich now!
  467. Judge Judy and Dr. Laura - will they ever lighten up?
  468. Yellow Journalists.
  469. People who still post and say quotes from The Simpsons. That show has been recycling the same joke since 1993.
  470. Anyone who says "Well, I hate Ronald Reagan" but can't name one thing he did wrong in the 8 years he was in office. Let's see: Cut taxes, ended communism, restored confidence in America, gave opportunities to businessmen... hmm, sounds like a good track record to me.
  471. Any of the PC anti-guy mafia that seems to be plaguing the commercial and music video industry.
  472. MTV playing the same 15 videos over and over again. Excuse me, I don't want to hear Kid (c)Rock again. The Scorpions have a new album out. How about playing them?
  473. The people who are in support of BOTH the anti-ogling law in Minnesota and the topless subway law in New York. What mixed message is this? A girl can go naked and you can't see her that way?
  474. College Professors with an ego problem.
  475. Everyone putting out JFK Jr.'s indescrepancies now. Uh, he's no longer alive, he can't really defend himself!
  476. Gangsta rappers... These people who sing about stuff and then tell us that we need to be subject to the way of the ghetto. Great, try telling these people how to IMPROVE their situation.
  477. The new $20 and $50 bills, because the front sides look a LOT alike.
  478. People who write lists up and then skip numbers. It's not that hard to add one each time. Trust me on this.
  479. Egomaniacs, people that are convinced they are better than you, for ANY reason whatsoever.
  480. Last, but not least, people who tell you the same joke 200 times. If I don't get it the first time, telling it to me 199 more times will NOT help.

    Thanks to Aimee for the next 13 peeves
  481. Hey Melody, I agree with you on a lot of your points that you made! I feel the same way about traffic, although I'm from Dallas, and the traffic here is just about as bad, if not worse. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!
  482. I can't stand the fact that Texans are portrayed in movies, TV, etc. as a bunch of cowboy hat-wearing, twangy-sounding, truck-driving, horse-riding hicks! The show "Dallas" does NOT reflect ALL lives of those in the great state of Texas! I, for one, have NEVER owned a cowboy hat (and never will),don't drive a truck, do NOT own an oilfield, nor did I vote for Ross Perot! Yes, I might have an "accent", but I do live a life other than that of a cowpoke! BTW, I am curious to find out how real Texans are in the new movie "Happy, Texas".
  483. I also am bothered by public breastfeeding. I'm sorry if any mothers out there that do get offended, but it's just not the kind of thing that the rest of us want to see or be aware of! And don't give that crap about it being such a natural thing. Sex is natural, too, but is that allowed in public?
  484. (Somewhat related to above) I actually read on a web site devoted to babies that some mothers still breastfeed their children past one year! In one particular story, a woman mentioned how it's the perfect way to feed her six-year-old. Not when the kid is in grade school! Are these the same mothers that let their 4-year-olds walk around with pacifiers?
  485. People that talk LOUDLY to one another, chat on cell phones, or let their pagers beep in the theater during a movie--take care of your business elsewhere! Is it really that important to conduct a conversation while a movie is going on? Go outside!
  486. On the topic of cell phones, people that drive and talk on phones at the same time should be seriously reprimanded! These morons either drive WAY BELOW the speed limit, way above, or weave all over the road! Please PULL OVER if the precious call means that much to you! Also, people that talk on phones LOUDLY while shopping just get to me. I really don't want to hear about your day on the golf course!
  487. Am I the only one out there who absolutely hates Leann Rimes? OK, she's what--16, I guess, and singing about LOVE? Gimme a frickin' break!!! That goes the same for Britney Spears, the Backstreet Boys, and all of that teen crap out there. GET A LIFE!!!
  488. Why do women wear the tight shirts/skirts and then COMPLAIN when guys look at their chest/butt? If you dress like that, be prepared for the hoots (no pun intended) and hollers. If you don't want that, DRESS DIFFERENTLY!
  489. Here's a BIG problem--idiots and their kids that ONLY wear brand names but then don't have money for the real necessities. Target is not that bad, folks! Please save some money to buy formula or diapers!
  490. Why do people who drive luxury cars think the laws of driving don't apply to them? I will never understand. Also, why do people (especially those with new cars) take up more than one parking space? Dents and dings WILL happen, I don't care how careful you are!
  491. I think mothers everywhere will support me on this one--don't you just HATE it when you go in a restroom to change your baby, and there are NO changing stations (ya know, the thing on the wall)? I needed to change my daughter at a Long John Silver's once, and had to attempt to balance her on the back of a toilet! I think it should be mandatory to have one of those things everywhere, and also some that are not in a handicapped stall. I'm sure there are others who need that stall, too.
  492. Why do women stay in bad relationships? I watched Sally recently where there were women whose husbands "controlled" them, i.e., having a strict schedule for when the house is to be cleaned or to cook their meals, or (and this really gets me) the guys that want to control their wives' weight! When a woman gains weight (especially during pregnancy), WHY does her husband expect her to suddenly lose it all at his convenience? These women then whine "but I love him" or something similarly stupid. Ladies who are in these awful circumstances, GET OUT! (By the way, I am NOT one of those women with a crappy hubby!)
  493. OK, here's the last one...I can't stand the Victoria's Secret commercials. The models are so unrealistically proportioned, it's creepy! I honestly believe that men designed this stuff just to get off. Is there any nice stuff out there for us girls that aren't quite a size zero?

    Thanks to Ashley [hugabug15@yahoo.com] for the next seven peeves
  494. I can not stand it when I see a person wearing a very expensive or very nice outfit and they have the tag sticking up, for golly gosh sakes, CHECK before you go out.
  495. I hate it when you try to go to a chat room to talk to one of your friends, and those nasty people keep on hounding you for cyber sex. GET A MAG or a VIDEO and leave me ALONE.
  496. When someone's mad at toy and they tell EVERYONE ELSE about how evil you are and when you try to talk to them about it, they go "I'm not mad, it's fine." If you have a problem with me, talk to me about it, don't make me get on my knees and beg, because it's NOT gonig to happen.
  497. Girls who whine about how ugly they are just so you'll rant and rave about how much pritter they are than us.
  498. I agree, I HATE POKEMON
  499. And with the baggy pants, I really would rather look at the guys' cute butt, than a boxer line and a rectangle shaped lower body. Butts rule people!
  500. Girls who whine about having small breasts. I have what is wanted, and BELIEVE me, it's not as fun as it looks

    Thanks to Melinda for tbe next 11 peeves
  501. People who dye their hair and lets the roots show. It BUGS THE HELL OUT OF ME SO BAD when I see brown spots all over someone's head.
  502. Bra straps. I don't wanna see the rings and hooks sticking out. It's as trashy as a trashy look can get.
  503. Eurodance not being sold a lot in Canada. There are countless 1999 Eurodance songs being made and only a few go on the "dance" cds. The rest is all RNB and house. I'm not allowed a credit card cause I'm on goverment assistance. The stores refuse to order them. I am totally screwed and can't stand other types of music. I should be able to get my Eurodance like others can get their RNB.
  504. Over-religious people who say my Muslim boyfriend is going to "hell" just because he's Muslim. The man never done anything evil to send him to "hell." Those hick nazi christians are not in the position to predict what happens to someone's soul.
  505. Mad TV. RACIST RACIST RACIST!! TAKE THEM OFF!!! Did you see their skit "pretty white kids with problems?" "They're prettier then you. It's not easy being so pretty and white." Their problems were getting zits and hiding razor blades. I seen no cut marks. Yes, white kids have problems that is true. I am mad that the show hinted that Indians and everyone else is uglier and have no problems compared to them.
  506. Magazines saying how "fat" Mellisa Joan Hart and Brittany Spears is. Another thing they said a size 4 is so FAT!! Nothing is small enough for them. One more dress size down and I'll have to get them special made.
  507. TV showing endless repeats. What's going on? It's supossed to show all new episodes this time of year. They even took off "Get Real."
  508. This "friend" who repeatly make trip plans with me then breaks her promises. I don't wanna see that person anymore cause of her repeating B.S. I don't give a s**t what her excuse is! What about MY LIFE FOR ONCE??!!
  509. People expecting me to do everything they want and call me selfish and self-centered when I tell them what I want.
  510. The same old music being repeated over and over again at the bars in my city. Plus the mainstrem RNB I couldn't move to even if I took a seizure! The DJ dosen't take requests either.
  511. The last complaint. GST!!! We're supporting the goverment more then they support us.

    Thanks to AJ for the next six peeves
  512. Did anyone else see "As Good As It Gets"? OK, did anyone think it stunk? I am the only one I know (so far) that absolutely hated that movie! And why in the world did Helen Hunt get an Academy award (or whatever that was)? Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I just didn't get it.
  513. And who really thinks that Melanie Griffith can act? The woman is in her 40s and talks like a 5-year-old. I'm sorry, but Antonio Banderas could have done so much better than that.
  514. Those Wal-Mart commercials that have pleasant, helpful employees. And did you ever notice that those stores are clean and NEVER busy? I don't believe for a moment that there is a Wal-Mart employee anywhere on this earth that will ask a customer "can I help you?" or actually walk with a customer to help them find something.
  515. I'm just curious, but what is it with organizations that are affiliated with being non-white (black, Hispanic, whatever)? If a white person created an organization related to their color (and NOT biased against other colors), you know that everyone else would be whining "racist"! It's just that there are white people out there who do not belong to the KKK or the like. Before anyone thinks the wrong thing, I am not prejudiced! I do believe in racial equality, just not the exploitation of any person's color or race.
  516. I know this is a couple of years too late, but the NBC idiot who fired Norm MacDonald from "Saturday Night Live" has something seriously wrong with him! Is this NBC guy the same one who hired Colin Quinn? Who thinks this dude is funny? I think I could do the Weekend Update better than that. Jeez.
  517. Gay people. These people wonder why they are not accepted by others. BECAUSE GOD DID NOT INTEND FOR THIS KIND OF THING TO HAPPEN! If He really intended for people to be gay, then He would have made a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I think it's disgusting and demeaning to our Creator. By the way, any of you that disagree with the way I feel about this can BITE ME.

    Thanks to Sheri Hopper [miss-_-thang@webtv.net] for the next four peeves
  518. When I can hear people chewing because they convienietly foret to close their DAMN mouths!
  519. When people say things like geezer-weezers,what a coinki-dink,or honkey-dorey.
  520. When you ask for a specific thing on webtv and they give you about 200 things on a different topic.
  521. when you get hit on your birthday...today's my birthday!!!!!!Happy Birthday To ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  522. People that are overly concerned with what others think of them Radical-Conservative
  523. When someone empties the ice tray without refilling it!!! Cass [flowergirl997@yahoo.com]
  524. When people smoke and spit afterwards. its so disgusting and i hate that spitting sound smokers make! Nymol [Neng@csulb.edu]
  525. I only need to say two words AMWAY and Quixstar what scams John
  526. All these stupid people who throw their cigarettes out their car windows. Most cars have ashtrays. If yours doesn't, why don't you x@!! get an ashtray? Litterbugs like you are why I see so much scorched brush, and why the fire dept. stays so busy. Even in the non-brush country, your still a slob. Ben

    --Added 10/08/99-------

    Thanks to Kelley Rose [gazelle_sunday@unbounded.com]
  527. When sororites and fraternities complain about the school newspaper being "biased." Hello, if we only wanted to tell one side of the story we wouldn't have signs up all over campus inviting pepple to write for us. And do any of these Greeks take the time to sit down and write an article for the paper? Of course not, they only write nasty letters (filled with typos) when we write something about the Greek system. Look, if you don't want to be stereotyped as a party animal, put down the beer and prove us wrong!
  528. People who insist on using the paper shredder to shred every last scrap of paper in the house. Are we really that important that we have to shred things like spelling tests?
  529. Couples who have babies together, but when you ask them why they won't get married, they say they're "not ready for that kind of commitment."

    Thanks to Melody [wikked@cdc.net] for the next 46 peeves!
  530. A few of my pet peeves (sorry, there's a lot of them!) People who come to live in this country, drive in this country yet cannot learn the LANGUAGE of this country. Since our road signs are in ENGLISH maybe they should learn to speak/read it instead of RUNNING PEOPLE OVER all the time because they can't read the damn signs.
  531. "Pro-lifers" who blow up abortion clinics or shoot abortion doctors, I mean really... pro-life & killing people?? And then wonder why no one takes the serious pro-life people seriously.
  532. People who can't type the word YOU. It's 2 extra letters people! "U look like ur a moron when u type like this".
  533. People who blame the Internet and television for causing kids to blow things up, shoot people, and commit other crimes. Blame the PARENTS, last time I checked they're responsible for thier children until they're 18 years old. If the Internet is so awful, don't let them use it, or install NetNanny or something. If television is making them do horrid things DON'T LET THEM WATCH IT.
  534. Rosie O'Donnel bitching about guns... The woman does so many WONDERFUL things, but she sits & whines about gun control while she's the number ONE spokesperson for Kmart... the number TWO seller of guns in the United States.
  535. People who hit thier children for doing something they don't like. What exactly do you think you're teaching them?
  536. The fact that the day Mother Theresa died the week-old "Death of Princess Diana" story got the headlines, while Mother Theresa's death was on the bottom of the page.
  537. People who get pregnant knowing they're infected with HIV.
  538. That Bill Clinton has made a mockery of the Institution of the Presidency.
  539. Drunk Drivers. Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car under the influence should be charged with attempted murder. If you can afford to get drunk surely you can afford a damn cab.
  540. People who think that you have to be a size 5 to be pretty. Did you know that Marylin Monroe was a size 14 in the prime of her career?
  541. Grown men who feel the need to name thier penis. Get a life!
  542. The NAACP. African Amercians really aren't a minority anymore. People will always be racist and will always give jobs to people they feel are "like them". Get over it. If we started an organization for the equality of Caucasions half the nation would flip out. I don't get special scholarships for being white, why should you get one for having darker skin than I do?
  543. People who read far too much in to things. I.E. Jerry Fallwell claiming that Tinky Winky is gay & is bad for our children. How many 5 year olds do YOU know that have the slighest concept of sexuality? If they're thinking about sex that young I think there's a far bigger problem than a Teletubby.
  544. People who let thier children run wild in department stores. If I want to hear an 8 year old banging on things & screaming at the top of thier lungs I'll stop by the playground.
  545. People who lobby to have the 10 Commandments removed from schools & government buildings. Even if you don't believe in God the 10 Commandments are something that would make the world a halfway decent place to live if people followed them!
  546. China. The worst country in the world. From killing their own people & forbidding religion to mandatory abortions & invading small nations they certainly take the cake for not having any ethics. Yet the U.S. sells them Nuclear Technology?
  547. Political parties. Why can't people just vote for an individual based on thier beliefs & qualifications rather than a "Liberal", a "Republican" or a "Democrat"
  548. People who abandon thier children.
  549. Deadbeat Dads.
  550. Deadbeat Moms.
  551. Spam email.
  552. The "free trip" scams.
  553. Pyramid Schemes.
  554. Child pornography & Pedophiles.
  555. People who whine about thier jobs. If you don't like it take the time to get qualified for something else instead of pissing & moaning about working in a drive-thru.
  556. That www.whitehouse.com is a porn site. I have seen countless children accidently go to this website thinking it's www.whitehouse.gov.
  557. Getting 10 "YOU HAVE BEEN PRE-APPROVED FOR OUR CREDIT CARD" offers in the mail every day. Not only are they wasting paper, they're wasting my time making me shred the damn things so that some a$$hole doesn't get hold of it & wind up with 14 credit cards in my name financing his trip to a non-extriditable country.
  558. "Life Sentences" that last 7 years. Or giving someone "10 consecutive life sentences". A life is... well, a LIFE! Do you let these people decompose in your prison for 76 x (# of life sentences given) to be sure they serve them all???
  559. People who have children to get bigger Welfare checks.
  560. People who will whine & moan about injustice all day long but won't take 10 minutes to write thier Congressman about it.
  561. Teenagers who don't mind their parents. Yeah, maybe thier rules do suck, but one day you'll probably thank them for being so strict that you couldn't sleep over at your boyfriends and contract an STD or get pregnant. Maybe they didn't let you smoke because they don't want you to die of lung cancer in your 40's. That party they wouldn't let you go to? Perhaps you'll understand when the first carload of kids from your highschool dies because the driver had been drinking.
  562. Semi trucks that can't obey the speed limit. I understand you have deadlines but you driving 100+mph is putting everyone on the road at risk. SLOW DOWN.
  563. People who give drivers deadlines that force them to drive recklessly on little to no sleep.
  564. Women who voted for Bill Clinton "because he's cute".
  565. Atlanta Traffic. Sure, slow down to look at a wreck on the side of the road & make me 20 minutes late to work, great idea. Better yet...slam on your brakes & create an entirely NEW wreck... BRILLIANT!
  566. Homeowners Associations. Since when is it a violation of anything to have my trash can sitting by the road more than 8 hours after pick-up? Is it really THAT offensive?
  567. People who complain about AOL. We ALL know it sucks, if you don't like it get a REAL ISP instead of whining about it.
  568. People who lie.
  569. Ignorance.
  570. People who wear fur. Defenseless little animals were killed for a coat that would be just as warm if made from something else.
  571. People who bitch about anti-fur people wearing leather. Cows are killed for food, why waste the "extra" parts?
  572. Getting sand inside my swimsuit.
  573. Those new brake lights that blink. I didn't see a problem with the old ones, I dislike being blinded on dark roads by red flashing lights.
  574. That my mother sends me spam email & I'm not sure how to ask her to stop.
  575. People who rant & rave about something without knowing half the facts.

    Thanks to "Steve the Curmudgeon" for the next 5 peeves!
  576. Anyone who refers to the Chicago Cubs as the "Cubbies". Adding an extra syllable is bad enough, but trying to be cute is inexcusable.
  577. Restaurant employees, or employees in any business who have to hand a product to a customer, who seem to think that the phrase "There ya go" is the equivalent of "Thank you."
  578. Customer service people who, when asked a question, will begin their response with the phrase "You need to..." No, I don't NEED to do it--I don't even NEED to do business with you at all. I suppose these people would feel utterly degraded and cheap if they were forced to use the word "please".
  579. Insecure workers who try to protect their jobs by playing the role of informer to the boss. These are the adult versions of the little brats in school who always tattled to the teacher. Of course, they got the crap beat out of them in school. Now they get promoted.
  580. Any company that banishes its smoking employees to an outside area where they will be safely out of range of the workers with delicate nostrils. I don't mean just an outside entrance--I'm talking about a flimsy plastic shelter fifty feet from the entrance, in Wisconsin

  581. My peeve is the fact that the schools in Kansas are not required to teach evolution anymore. They should teach both as both are merely theories that rest on shaky preconceptions. Creationism collapses if it is proven that the Bible is a book of fiction and evolution theory has more flaws than I care to recount. To accept a book on "faith" can be argued to be as irrational as blindly preaching evolution as the gospel. We have limited the whole argument to these two choices, of which both may be wrong. John
  582. Person after person saying people who abort are wrong! It's their choice....*sigh* some people just have to interfere. Trevor [zapes@hotmail.com]
  583. I can't stand it when you are driving down the road, and the guy in the car next to you, (usally it's a male) is picking their nose. Sometimes you can even catch them at the next stop light, enjoying a low calorie lunch. "If you catch my drift" Nasty! If you really have to do that do it in the privacy of your own home. "Stop pickin it, Misty Flynn"

    --Added 10/04/99-------

    Thanks again to Melissa T for the next 15 peeves
  584. White people who criticize other white people for "acting black." If some teenager or whatever is into hip-hop culture, likes rap (which I don't particularly care for), etc., as long as they're not bothering you, why do you care? BTW, the racist term for these people is "wiggers" (white + the dreaded "n" word).
  585. Getting caught in the rain with no umbrella, and getting my shoes wet so I have to walk around with soggy feet all day.
  586. It annoys me when somebody comes into the office where I work and says "is Joe Shome here?" Then when I say "no" they say, "when will he be back?" How the hell should I know, there's 12 people in this office and I don't know all their schedules!!
  587. Gay people who make a big deal about their sexuality. Who cares? I have absolutely no interest in who you're doing "it" with. Do I go wearing buttons that say "I sleep with men" (actually, a man) or anything?
  588. People that I hardly know who tell me all their personal business. For example, I once worked on a two-day temp assignment with a woman who told me that: she had had two abortions and a lesbian affair. Gee, thanks for sharing!!
  589. Nasty fashion designers who think they can tell women how to dress, when they look like s**t! Do you see any ugly gay women telling straight men what do wear? Hell no!
  590. The term "disgruntled worker." Is a happy worker "gruntled?"
  591. PC people who say, "how many non-white/special needs, etc. have YOU adopted?" When I say "one, and I'd like to adopt more," they don't have anything to say. Seems to me like we 'anti-choice" fanatics are the ones who adopt these kids, not them.
  592. People that go all the way to some foreign country to adopt a child when there's plenty of children HERE waiting for good homes!
  593. I agree with the pet peeve about Pokemon. I can't stand any of that Pokemon garbage! The cards are overpriced -- there's about 7 of them in an $8.00 pack. POKEMON- kill em all! (well, actually, Pikachu is kinda cute).
  594. Partial-birth abortions. Sick, sick, sick sick!
  595. Going to a pro-life event and having people ask me "what parish to you go to? And then when I say, I'm not a Catholic, they say "what church do you go to?" and I answer "I don't go to church," they get bent out of shape, like I'm the DEVIL HIMSELF(muhahaha)! When are people going to realize that everyone who's pro-life is not religious?
  596. Pro-lifers who oppose artificial contraception. Not everyone can or wants to use natural family planning.
  597. Jesse ("the Moron") Ventura. He said he'd like to be reincarnated as a "38DD cup bra", and this is a married man with children who is governor of a large state! I wonder about the people who voted this idiot into office.
  598. Hillary Clinton. Enough said.

    --Added 10/03/99-------

  599. People that have a problem with my child wearing designer clothes. Think about it, if the babu has expensive clothes on chances are that paying for college isn't really a problem in that family. Alex
  600. Warm Pepsi.

    --Added 10/02/99-------

  601. Thank you ANNOYED PERSON! It's great to hear I'm not to only one who gets irritated by gum chewing, especially those incredibly rude people who crack their gum so loudly it sounds like a gun. Why don't they all just switch to pacifiers ... same difference. KC

    Thanks to Ray [RaymondJT@aol.com] for the next peeves 3 peeves
  602. When people speak in the "third person". People normally use this tactic to avoid taking blame for themselves. Think about it...if Joe said "I made a mistake", he would sound guilty, but by saying, "Joe made a mistake", it sounds less incriminating to himself.
  603. When teenagers walk around the mall with cell phones and pagers. This is only done to look important...man, are people desperate for attention!
  604. People who rip on Carolyn!!!

    --Added 10/01/99-------

    Thanks to John Z for the next peeves 8 peeves
  605. Car stereos played loud enough to deafen me in my home. Do the people think I want to listen to their music? The stupidest part is when they have a $3000 stereo in a car with a resale value of $850. Where are their priorities?
  606. along the line of the one above, Rap. I hate it and even worse is that it is the music of choice to be played extremely loud.
  607. people bitching when soldiers get a raise. I used to be in the military and if you think you can live on $600 a month while working 60-70 hour weeks go right ahead. They made the decision to protect our rights and work damn hard at it so give them a decent salary.
  608. bogus lawsuits that the consumer ends up paying for in the end
  609. the crusade against cigarette companies. they have had the warnings on the packs for years. also, how can a cigar smoking president lead the fight, what a hypocrite.
  610. as many others have already said baggy pants.
  611. people who feel that their babies can only wear designer clothes. let's do a reality check here folks. a baby couldn't care less what they are wearing you just want to say, look I can buy expensive clothes for my baby. how about putting that money in a college fund.
  612. movie fights where the guy gets hit in the groin and gets up right away and continues to fight. In real life he would be crying like a little girl and unsure of whether to crap his pants or barf.
  613. Hi my name is Chris and would you like to know what my pet peeve is? It is those damn pokemon. They are evil. The way they effected childeren was amazing. When the cards came out I found little kids went out and spent all their money on the stupid card game made by Wizards of the Coast. That is my opinion on Pokemo Chris
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