Following is "AntiDemocrat's" opinion after he heard about how sites were kicked off! He sent this to the "Freedom" Ring Manager

Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 09:42:51 PST
From: Anti Democrat
Subject: How Do I Join the Freedom Ring?

I came across some pages that display your "Freedom Ring". cool!!!!

I want to join and put my page with the others. I believe in freedom, the right to choose a dog or cat, the right to mow the lawn or just let it grow!

I believe in democracy without liberals, I believe in a world absent of socialists and communists.

I believe in America....and I feel it's pain. Do you feel it's pain? I believe Bill Clinton wants to return to Arkansas, and I believe Hillary doesn't.

I believe that Jiang Zemin likes tri-cornered hats, and his wife doesn't. I believe he enjoyed the Tiananimen Square massacres, do you?

I believe...

that you are a socialist. Am I wrong?

I also believe that you won't let me join your impoverished group of miscreants and malcontents - because you REALLY don't believe in the word "freedom" and just what it truly stands for.

I believe that you are a hypocrite. Am I wrong?

AntiDemocrat's web page can be found at: